
I am currently principal researcher in Theoretical Astrophysics Group (TAG) at Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI). I am also a professor at Korea University of Science and Technology. Before, I was a prize postdoctoral fellow at Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics (CITA). Previously, I was an Alexander von Humboldt fellow in Germany. I obtained my Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison under the supervision of Prof. Alex Lazarian. My main research focuses on studying Cosmic Dust and Magnetism for Understanding the Origins in the Universe, such as Early Universe, Stars, Exoplanets, and Life. I am also interested in searching for Life in the universe through Relativistic-speed nano spacecrafts. I use different research methods, including analytical theory, numerical modeling, synthetic observations, big data analysis.

In 2022, I am awarded the Academic Award (the highest honor) from Korean Astronomical Society, which recognizes the outstanding achievements of the society members over the last 10 years.
In 2024, I am very honored to receive the 2024 NCU-Delta Young Astronomer Lectureship Award, which recognizes worldwide scholars under the age of 45 who have made outstanding contributions in the field of astronomy or astrophysics .