Thiem Chi Hoang
Senior Researcher; Associate Professor at UST

Office location:   LWC 308
Phone:  +82-42-865-3343
Email:  thiemhoang AT

Research Interests

CMB foregrounds: microwave emission from nanoparticles and dust polarization
Intersellar dust and Magnetic fields: grain alignment physics, dust polarization modeling, UV polarimetry
Grain Rotational Dynamics and Implications: Rotational Disruption, rotational desorption of ice and molecules
Interstellar Exploration and Interstellar Objects

Most Cited Papers

  • Hoang Thiem, Lazarian A., "Radiative torques alignment: Essential physical processes," 2008, MNRAS, 388, 117-143
  • Hoang Thiem, Draine B. T., Lazarian A., "Improving the Model of Microwave Emission from Spinning Dust: Effects of Grain Wobbling and Transient Spin-up," 2010, ApJ, 715, 1462-1485
  • Hoang Thiem, Lazarian A., Draine B. T., "Spinning Dust Emission: Effects of Irregular Grain Shape, Transient Heating and Comparison to WMAP data," 2011, ApJ, 741, 87
  • Hoang Thiem, Lazarian A., "Alignment of dust grains: effects of internal relaxations of energy and complex radiation fields," 2009, ApJ, 697, 1316-1333
  • Hoang Thiem, Lazarian A., and Martin P.G., "Constraint on the Polarization of Electric Dipole Emission from Spinning Dust," 2013, ApJ, 779, 152